All rights to the posted video materials belong to the customers, as well as production studios, film companies and agencies, who produced the content. ​Authorship is indicated separately in the credits and / or in the description of the video on the video service on which this video is hosted. The owner of the site does not claim exclusive rights and places video materials in the format of demonstrating his own portfolio.

All photos in the "PHOTO" section are protected by copyright (see article 1265 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation) and belong to the website owner, Oleg Alexandrovich Efremov. No use is permitted without the owner’s consent.

© 2024

All rights to the posted video materials belong to the customers, as well as production studios, film companies and agencies, who produced the content. ​Authorship is indicated separately in the credits and / or in the description of the video on the video service on which this video is hosted. The owner of the site does not claim exclusive rights and places video materials in the format of demonstrating his own portfolio.

All photos in the "PHOTO" section are protected by copyright (see article 1265 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation) and belong to the website owner, Oleg Alexandrovich Efremov. No use is permitted without the owner’s consent.

© 2024